Decision for Truth:
a 5-episode series!
In this 5-episode series, truth is put on trial. Dr. Rizzi, Director of the Institute for Advanced Physics, who is a renowned physicist and philosopher and author of The Science Before Science: A Guide to Thinking in the 21st Century, is interviewed by Noah Lett of EWTN.
Throughout the interviews, Dr. Rizzi captures our attention with the surprising and deep ramifications for our lives of the fundamental truths about physical nature that we get through the senses, the basic kid's level physics. The interview will raise unasked questions and unknown answers that are essential to living an intelligent, integrated, and happy life. You will be both inspired and equipped to begin fighting back against the anti-truth mindset of our modern culture. You will be surprised to find the size and number of logs we have to take out of our own eyes! Inspire and grow yourself and your family to be who you and they are meant to be.
Ep 1: Truth on Trial: What is Truth? | April 19, 8pm CT | Mon |
Ep 2: Family on Trial | April 20, 8pm CT | Tue |
Ep 3: Our Lives on Trial | April 21, 8pm CT | Wed |
Ep 4: The Culture on Trial | April 22, 8pm CT | Thu |
Ep 5: Truth is Worth Living! Grow your life in truth | April 23, 8pm CT | Fri |
If you cannot do this, you will still enjoy them individually as well!
So watch what episodes you can while you can!
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